MAC 1014 Breacher - 400
MI 1014 Handguard - 170
MAC + 2 extension - 50
MI Beneli M4 CH - 30
STNGR Min Handstop - 25
2 qd sling mounts - 5
Extra wooden stock - free
Total - 670
250rds on it never had a single malfunction even with competition 1100 fps loads. Interested in all firearms. Very interested in 10mm fire arms and ARPs in 556. Can do multiple gun deals,+ cash deals, + ammo etc. Send your offers worst I can say is no.
Would sell for 525 obo.
FTF only I am willing to meet all the way out to Waco for the right deals.
Txt me 254 396 nine-too-xero-xero
I'm usually quick to respond and won't ghost you.
Listing ID:3047518