I have been reporting criminal scams to the admin/ownership of this site for years. Lately I can report 10, or so, users a day, with a total of 40 to 100 scam listings between them. Many stay up for days after being reported. When I report them, I typically include where the ads were copied from and the IP address and scam rating, each time.
In spite of this, the admin refuses to take steps to remove/minimize the number of scam ads. Some are "frequent flyers" using the exact same ads, phone numbers and emails, every time. But, still, they're allowed to continue to post. The admin would only need to check new accounts for these obvious criminal posts, but, they don't.
Texasguntrader.com is a cesspool. The people who run it are aiding criminals who are scamming innocent people. I'm not sure how they sleep at night. Now, they're resetting my password to try and keep me off of the site. Sure, reset my password but let the criminals run rough shod over the site.